paper flowers billowing in the wind

Location: Doha, Qatar

23 March 2009

Moving to Qatar

In approximately 6 weeks I’m packing up and moving do Doha, Qatar. Wow. At first it seemed a little intimidating; it is the Middle East after all. Will I have to wear any of their traditional clothing? Am I going to have a harder time because I am a woman? What will I be eating? But as I read more and talk with people who have been there I find that I shouldn’t have any problems with life there. I can pretty much wear what I want so long as it’s modest, and there are plenty of HUGE shopping malls to get any clothes I need. Being a woman will have some impact on the way I am treated, but Qatar is a fairly progressive country and women are often in management positions. There will be instances where I have to stand in a women-only line or only bank on certain days, but I’m pretty sure I can live with it. And as far as food goes…….there’s a Chili’s right down the road. Next door to the Dairy Queen and Starbucks. I think I’ll be just fine.

04 August 2005

I have this idea that I’ll post more on here than I do on xanga. I tend to get bored with things pretty quickly, and I've stuck it out for a long time on there. It’s like soap in the shower; I have to use a different flavor every day. I realize that I can’t keep routines because they bore me too much. Maybe I just don’t have the perseverance to make it through. It’s funny to me that I like change in the mundane things, but when it hits me in my life, it scares the daylights out of me.